What is EMDR ?
EMDR is an evidence-based treatment; research proves that it is effective for treating trauma plus other problems affecting a person. It can treat your past, present and future concerns. It is a gentle treatment approach that allows you to move at your pace without causing pain or harm. You work thru your memory/memories in a safe and controlled manner to allow for processing. By doing so, you allow your self to move on in life without reacting each time the memory arises.
What does EMDR treat? Am I a candidate for this treatment?
There is NO age limit for who meets criteria for EMDR treatment but there is a criteria to meet that we can discuss with you in a consultation.
Where can I learn more about EMDR?
EMDR International Association (EMDRIA):
EMDR Institute:

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What We Can Do Together
Couples Counseling
Lets build on repairing, healing for enrichment
No More Depression
Whether its depression or related to seasons change, this is one of the illnesses or symptoms that people often avoid discussing. You don’t have to suffer alone, lets figure it out together.
Discover a variety of new techniques to free yourself from the grasp of anxiety or worry, which might be hindering your ability to enjoy life.. Add, learn what anxiety is or means to you.
Being present, using survival skills to ensure that others see you as a dominator. Ultimately, feeling like you are in control.
Parenting Skills
Learn how to be an effective parent. An active listener who deliveries values, morals and leads by example. Learn how to identify problems before they arise. Support your child when they have experienced a traumatic event or unwell.
Group Therapy
Be part of a group to lead or follow by understanding certain topics such as grief and loss.